Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Am I Stanford Material?

ok so...

*I have an accumulative GPA of 3.98( but by the end of the year it should be about 4.3/2)

*I have/ are taking AP Literature,AP Writing,AP Calculus,AP Pre Calculus,Spanish 1-3,Advanced Biology,Physics,Honors English 9%26amp;11,and Honors Government %26amp; Econ


SHOE club (students helping our environment)

NHS (National Honor Society)

SADD club (students against destructive decisions)

All Star competitive cheerleader (outside of school)

Cross Country Runner

Track %26amp; Field (winter and spring)

Link Crew member

Extra Mile Club (club for students w/ a lot of volunteer hours)

Volunteer at a retirement home - 200+ hours

So what do you think my chances are?Would it be worth it for me to apply?

Am I Stanford Material?
Send your applications in and it's worth a try but it depends what your interested in. Don't waste your money if your not interested in medical science because ivl schools want more of the specifics. you can get the same education for less a a state university
Reply:I would totaly go all the way...... apply to any school you have your rmind set on. If I had your GPA, I would apply to Princeton, Stanford, etc. Bascially all the top schools in the country.

Also, the admissions department does look at the ACT and SAT score.
Reply:You didn't include your SAT or ACT scores, which is almost certainly more important than the extracurricular activities you are involved in, whatever the university's PR department says. But if your ACT/SAT scores are comparable to your GPA, you have a good chance.


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