Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why do women register with the Republican Party?

How does it benefit them? All the progress that has been with women has been under a Democrat President or Congress?

Especially suburban women?

Is it because women in the suburbs care about material things like clothes and shoes?

Why do women register with the Republican Party?
Um what have liberals done for women again? Why would anyone vote Democrat should be the question.
Reply:Well, we do care about material things as much as men do, anyway...

It seems to me their are more women in places of influence among the Republicans than the Democrats. But the Democrats keep telling us they know what's best for us and are on our side. I don't think so. No-fault divorce benefits men more than women, and harms women and children more than it does men. Abortion-on-demand is horrendous for women and children, and more men than women are in favor of it. The welfare system is designed to keep poor women from advancing, and to keep women from marrying the fathers of their children.

Well, I've voted both Democrat and Republican, but I certainly see why a lot of women go Republican.
Reply:Because as thinking, hard-working, tax payers, we are against those that buy votes giving away government aids of every kind. When we want to have clothing, shoes, food, and/or services, we don't demand those to paid by the rest of the tax payers, while we're at home scratching our behinds in front of a TV,......... WE PAY IT WITH OUR OWN MONEY!!!!..........get it?????
Reply:Probably because they oppose more 2nd amendment restrictions, homosexual marriage, race quotas, more welfare, and presidential shenanigans with interns.


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