Friday, November 6, 2009

Why are childrens shoes more expensive than adults?

how is it childrens shoes cost more than adults in the shops yet they use far less material????? i pay around £30/£40 a pair for my child and she is under the age of 2

Why are childrens shoes more expensive than adults?
I think it comes down to a willingness to pay.

Parents will spend more on their children than they will themselves, so economies are easier on their own clothes.

They are peer pressured into buying expensive items for their children.
Reply:You can find cheap shoes in the USA. Watch for the clearance racks like at Marshalls, Sears, Walmart had athletic shoes down to $9.00 adult size. Payless shoes franchise all over the US.
Reply:And I taught that Adults shoes where more expensive then kids / toddlers! Dam where you shop at?
Reply:Maybe because they're made to let children have the best posture and to prevent malformations: children's bones are flexible and need to be supported by good shoes.

Moreover, good materials avoid feet bad smell.
Reply:Isn't that funny? Not ha-ha funny, but interesting and a bit irritating funny? LOL I've noticed that with things like jeans too. I can get a tiny pair of denim pants for my almost 3 yr. old, but they cost $15, just about as much as my new pair just cost! It's unbelievable. Luckily we have a grandma who likes to spoil her only granddaughter - she just bought my daughter a new pair of sneakers ($10 - and that's Walmart) so I don't have to bother now.
Reply:Most parents want theire child to have the best of every thing. The clothing market knows that alot of parents will pay more for children's shoes and clothing. Also children have to have shoes more often than adults because they are still growing. Most parents will pay less for their shoes to make sure their child has what they need or want. I have founf the same problem in the US
Reply:to rip ppl off to make more money.
Reply:Because they know that you will pay.
Reply:Because it's a scam! Technically, children's shoes should be much cheaper than adults as children's shoes are exempt of VAT. The excuse the shoe companies give is that more work is needed to make children's shoes as they are smaller. However, that also means less material is needed and as shoes are machined and not hand made, they should be less than 50% of the adult price. Another typical scam is clothing shops. Have you noticed that there are no dedicated men's clothing shops and those for women are mainly targeted at teenage girls. The prices are extortionate! If women want quality clothing they now have a choice of M%26amp;S or to wear the same clothes as their teenage daughters. Once again, as the shops are supposed to sell "adult clothing" they add VAT but declare the clothing as "children's clothes". The big corporations then pocket the VAT as extra profit. I have never known a shop to discount 17.5% when a child purchases some clothing and I'm sure they wouldn't if the child requested it. My daughter is nine years old and I am now paying around £35 to £40 for a cheap pair of shoes and yet I can go to ASDA and get a good pair of leather shoes, for myself, for only £25. It's a con, a rip off and should be legislated against. Even the Airline Industry has jumped on the "Scam Wagon". As the Government instructed schools to clamp down on families taking holidays during term time, families are now forced to take their summer holidays now. A flight to Canada was around the £300 mark, only a couple of weeks ago. You can get flights during October for around the same price but if you want to go during August, it will cost at least £700 and children only get a discount of around £50 The UK is the "Scam" country of the world and every foreign company wants to trade here as the British are stupid enough to pay any price that is demanded. Typical example, Microsoft Vista costs around $100 to $300 in the US but in the UK it costs over £100 to £400. The excuse is the exchange rates??? If the exchange rates determined the price, the cost of Vista should start at around £50 as we get two dollars to the pound. So, not only do the foreign companies believe that the British are stupid, they also know that we cannot add up.
Reply:its so there feet can adapt to the shape and fit of the shoe for when there older,its worth paying a bit 4 their 1st pair of "real" shoes
Reply:I know its amazing isnt it. Have you looked at ebay? There are some bargains on there that wont dig into your wallet. My baby girl is 11 months and her shoes are the same price as mine!!!!! Its trully amazing.. Oh and i ma not from the UK I am an Aussie...
Reply:The little people need more money to make them.
Reply:Coz it is too difficult to design the shoes for the children than the aults.The legs of the child is grow fast than the adults and the shoe makers are take this main point for the making of the shoes.

Also the feet of the child is very sencetive and cause damage to the feet. so the shoe makers makes the shoe withe the soft matrial which is costly than the hard one.

thst why the children shoes are costly than the adults
Reply:Huge marketing scam. Kids go thru shoes so quickly. That is how show stores make their money. Since an adult will pretty much stay the same size permanently, they won't sell many shoes. Kids however, go thru shoes like water. That's why they are marked so high.
Reply:If you are paying a lot of your daughter's shoes then that means you care about her feet.

Have you ever noticed, children's clothing is quite often more expensive than adult clothing............... especially infant clothing.................
Reply:they're not usually, i think you just went to a rip-off shop. this is because adults anything have VAT and tax and stuff added to the price, so the adults shoes should be more expensive.
Reply:The marketers know that childerns feet can grow 1 full size with in a year, while adults have reached their true size. So childern will need to replace shoes on a more rapid pace than adults do to out growning and distruction of footwear. That is how they make there profit over adult wearables

leather handbag

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