Friday, November 6, 2009

How many freedoms will Americans stupidly give up for their so-called security?

OMG, I asked a question about how stupid it was to ban carry-on liquids on flights, and a whole bunch of people just blindly agreed it was not a dumb thing to do...for the sake of security.

Seriously...if you used your brain, you would realize that the only way to be totally secure on an airplane flight is to pretty much ban flying...period! Banning carry-on liquids is just a joke, come on people, just like checking shoes. It's one thing to keep an eye out for suspicious materials...another to outright ban something that is so basic and essential to most people.

Why is America so afraid of these idiot terrorists? Who spends $440 billion a year on their military plus?

Give me back my damn Gatorade and toothpaste please.

How many freedoms will Americans stupidly give up for their so-called security?
As many as they are told to give up. Bunch of sheep it seems...
Reply:the mindless sheep would alllow cameras in their homes if this administration said it would make them safer. removal of civil rights doesn't make us more safe. it makes us more afraid. and in that fact, the terrorists are winning. they have instilled terror. they've made people afraid of everything.

and if next time i fly i can't take some coffee with me i'll just say F it and take the damn train.
Reply:All are any if it get one baby killing terrorist dead. I have nothing to hide so it doesn't effect my freedom at all.
Reply:If you don't mind, I would like to have my Gatorade and toothpaste for the next 30 or 40 years.

I just hope that you don't go to the airport when I'm there. I would hate to see you carted away in handcuffs when you refuse to give up your contact lens solution.
Reply:tell ya what.

why don't you and your buddies form a new airline.

maybe call it suicide delight.

see how many pilots want to sign up.

(whether you think they can fly or not is probably irrelevant.)

charge what ever you want.

see how many passengers you get.

for myself, i think i can skip bringing my sport drink.

while you're at it, you might as well take up skydiving, hang gliding, and bear baiting.

oh, and i rather suspect that i'll be able to survive, putting my toothpaste in my checked luggage. apparently that didn't occur to you.
Reply:REMEMBER 9/11 are has the damnocrat way of thinking finally brainwashed you.
Reply:Americans are mostly mindless sheep. We are being taxed to death all the time, the rich get more than enough for twenty lifetimes of no work just luxury. We have a President the does not tell the truth but because he carries a Bible and plays that card then he must be a good man and does not lie. We let the supreme court appoint a president for us, we allow wiretaps and basic rights to be violated such as not having to have a search warrant if you are suspected of being a terrorist. So to answer your question it appears that we all have given up a lot of rights already such as the first amendment a newspaper being told to tell the american people what the government wants them to hear and not to report the facts. We do not have many more rights to give up.
Reply:It's worth the minor inconvenience to thwart 10 bombings.. If it was something more important like gun control then perhaps i could see your point.
Reply:Americans are willing to give up their freedom as long as the Republicans bring up 9/11 and question anyone's patriotism for speaking the truth.
Reply:Obviously you didn't take a trip to New York and see the damage and the broken lives. This is what we don't want to happen again. We don't have it hard here at all when it comes to flying, fact is we're spoiled rotten here in America with all things. We want all the freedoms, but we don't want it to affect our lives, get a grip. Use your head.

Israel has the safest airlines in the world. Know why? Every single person is checked from head to toe, every bag emptied out, and a sky marshall on every plane, they have never had an incident. They pay for it too. We want the security, but don't want to be inconvenienced for it. If we have to give up something we whine about it, get a grip. Do you think all of the freedoms we have are free? Do some homework, and you'll see that it's all bought and paid for, and worth it.
Reply:The real question is, why are you still online?
Reply:Don't get a head ache at the airport and say you "feel like your head's going to explode." And Certainly DO NOT fart or belch out loud abruptly while in mid-flight.
Reply:I'm willing to give up none of my freedom's

Would you conservatives gun owners give up your guns for national security , I don't think so, so why should i give up MY rights.
Reply:I completely agree with you!
Reply:You freak. The terrorists were putting the components for powerful BOMBs in listerine containers, umm, wine bottles, cream tubes, colored water bottles, lots of things. THey might put the bomb together on the plain, or do it here in the US. WOuld you really wand inocent people to die, just because it inconvinianced you. Is your gatorade, or toothpaste really worth god knows how many people's lives?

Did you hear the President? he said basically, that Great brittian did a good job bla bla bla. then he said that "THis is a reminder that the United states are at war. We are not 100% safe. The Government, and Security is trying to keep the front of the violence from effecting the American people, but it still might.
Reply:Imagine, no-one thought box cutters were a big deal, and it led to 9/11. You're right, we're stupid. What's another 3000 dead as long as you can post a pointless question?
Reply:I believe the reason they caught these terrorists in England was because they tapped their knowing this and that I have nothing to hide I support our government's decision to do this.
Reply:Evidently, a lot of people are more concerned with the possibility of terrorism than about having their rights.

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