I can’t get through airport security with my shoes or jacket on and yet…Many criminal illegal aliens can get healthcare, cars, driver’s lic. and materials written in their language (Spanish). Some of these illegal aliens were professional criminals in their country, and are now unskilled workers and undesired illegals here. If the illegal criminals were from Haiti or Africa would our government be so liberal with them having the run of our country unchecked? I have yet to see government documents (healthcare application etc…) written in Farsi or French.
Why were'nt US borders extremely secured after 9/11? Do Americans really feel safer knowing that no unapproved liquids (hair spray, lotion, etc...) will be flying the friendly skies?
How can we send a clear message to our politicians that this is unacceptable and criminal?
Why is it that I can't get through airport security with unapproved liquids? But illegal aliens can get in USA
Illegals do not carry unapproved liquids
hence they get through easily.
Next time you too avoid unapproved liquids and see the difference.
Reply:Because no one has committed a terrorist act after walking across the mexican border. The problem with the police, and by extension the government and military, is that they are only reactive forces. They're great (by and large) at catching and punishing the bad guys, but terrible at crime prevention. When's the last time you heard of the police preventing a crime before it occured. (Ok the New York terror plot), but it's rare. The fact of the matter is that as an ex-military guy I can think of about a hundred ways to bring down an airliner, or kill several thousand people in a public place, and none of them are addressed by security measures as the government only reacts to events that have happened in the past. This is why the government could have done nothing about 9/11 even with all the intelligence in the world. There was no protocol, and they wouldn't have wanted to deal with the consequences of arresting several dozen people who hadn't done anything up to that point.
Reply:try going into other countries with diseases that endanger the food supply
Reply:Have you not been paying attention?This government has sold us down the tubes,they could care less what you think.Now i said that to say this,don't vote for any in office,or has been in office or is married or layed in bed with any of the above.We the people have to take back what we had,that is our country.Without violence I hope,voting is a good start.Writing all the politicans in your state is another,get involved,we must pull together,A house divided cannot stand.
Reply:Because you are American and you have to go through these things. are you dumb. did you know undocumented people don't come here that way.
your question sounds more like . . . .
"why are they committing crimes and I can't?"
shut up.
Reply:Because majoirty of the Americans voted for and elected a dumb-*** president who can't do anything right. Nothing his administration has done has been competant.
Invaded Iraq - disastour
War in Afghanistan - disastour
Electing officials in high-profiles jobs (like Brownie fro FEMA, Chertoff for HMS, Gonzalas for US AG) - disastour
Border patrol - disastour
So why would immigration reform be success????
Reply:Well, seems a bit anti-Hispanic ! No Persian I know thinks like you Roxanne; what kinda Persian you're ? be a little more happy, and be aware that there's an end for anything, even for a great country like America, so one day your grand-grand-grandchildren will have to cross the southern border and live\work in Mexico ! so be good with Hispanics from now on :D in order to give your grand-grand-grandchildren a welcome from Hispanics in 3007 a.d.
p.s. : I'm not Hispanic ! I'm Persian !
p.p.s. : by the way, don't call it "farsi" ! it's "Persian" !
Reply:The reason you can't take certain liquids onto planes is because there are certain types of explosives that are in liquid form. You mix them together, and then you get a high order detonation. They are just trying to cover all the bases....
Reply:My 8 year old son had to give up Capri Son on a cross country flight. LOL. Just making an observation. Great question I am at a loss for anything more than the above sentiment. Lmao I guess Petey has never had to stand in line in a clinic in Yuma Arizona waiting to seek treatment for their son who is a paying American citizenwhile the illegals are getting free medical care and are being seen in front him. HMMM sounds like some one else needs to get his facts straight.
Reply:How are these two connected?
Reply:get your facts cant get a drivers license without a SSN and they cant receive health care when they have no way of proving who they are....
nice rant by the bad you cant get a source for any of your information
fire side you just want to blame someone on your problems...I had to wait 16 hours in an ER before being treated for a broken arm and there are no illegals where I live....maybe you should blame your hospital system for not being efficient and run by corporate greed.
Reply:Makes ya wonder. Why does a background check take sometimes up to a week or so for a citizen of this country......but they think they can do one in 24 hrs. for an illegal with god only knows how many false identities in how many different states? or even Countries? Heck....they can't do passports for legal citizens and I'm sure that number is ALOT less than the number of illegals.
You would think the FIRST thing they would do is seal the borders and really crack down on illegal immigration and checking overstayed visas and all.......but no. First move was to infringe on citizens basic rights. There wasn't a look at how many students were here on visas and if they were legal.....nothing. I lived in Florida when it happened and 1 guy lived about a mile from where I lived and was going to Emery Riddle. But nothing in that avenue. I went to college years before where we had students from all over the world. They CHECKED them. I mean you couldn't be out from under the radar for 2 weeks.....let alone years! This has been purposefully ignored in order to get us used to more scrutiny. Are you willing to do this to be safe? Mind you....the employees we hire to do this job of checking you at the airport.....they can't say are here legally. Talk about a joke!!!!!!! I mean Elvira is one of many illegals from baggage collectors to security personal who were ILLEGAL themselves! Oh ya.......I feel safe. LOL that old lady with the hip replacement please!!!!!!!! Dump that bottle of baby formula!!!!! but forget about the stuff stuffed in the luggage down below by an illegal. Please....take my tweezers.....never know what damage I might do with that! I feel more unsafe than ever before and I never liked flying to begin with. should see the crap they put people through to go to a game. I think our citizens are definately clean. Can they please start targeting the guilty for a change? Quit ignoring the obvious?
It's like looking for a child to adopt. I'm not going to scour old folks homes, gay communities and sterile males for one. If I'm looking for band-aids....I'm not going to a lighting store, tire repair shop or stop a lawn maintence truck to buy them.
Reply:I use to fax my "leaders" (who are continuously voting YES to amnesty).
Reply:Simplistic answer - It's a lot easier to control and check people funneling through an airport security checkpoint than to control the entire border. Try a visit to the U.S./Mexico border and you'll see that there is no easy answer to securing it. The same is true of the U.S./Canada border.
Reply:How are illegals getting welfare and driver license wihtout a SSN? So your telling me that you will put the illegals in the same category as a muderer, rapist, child molester, etc..
Reply:Sad but true. I guess you can say life is just not fair. The 9/11 affected our way of living.
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