Sunday, March 14, 2010

Crinkled patent????

okay, so i bought a pair of shoes today that are american eagle brand from payless. i'm a vegetarian, and try my best to steer clear of leather. so i was freaking out when i realized that they might be made of leather! so i checked on the website and it says they are made of "crinkled patent", yet it still says it is made of man-made materials...????? so can anyone figure out if they are leather or not?

thank you so much!

here's the website about them:

thanks again!

Crinkled patent????
"Patent leather" is a man-made material. The shoes have a crinkly texture, similar to leather. If the label says "all man-made materials" that means people made it in a factory, instead of using animal skin.

Your shoes are vegetarian.
Reply:They are man made materials. You are safe!
Reply:I think you can safely eat your shoes without compromising your ethics
Reply:Sometimes when it says all man-made materials, it could actually be made of leather. If it says crinkled patent, then they are leather.


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