Sunday, March 14, 2010

How do you remove a semen stain off suede car seats?

the material is black, and another spot where it's gray

i'v heard a sponge with soap and water can do the trick?

what about suede shoe cleaner from footlocker?

How do you remove a semen stain off suede car seats?
remind me to never ask you for a ride


a little soap and water should do the trick just be gentle when wiping it....
Reply:Solumel will get it out just fine...make sure you dilute it though...
Reply:Yuck! Burn them and buy new ones.
Reply:don't have sex in the car and you wuoldn't have the problem...

take the car to the car wash
Reply:if it's really noticeable, try the all-purpose cleaner available at home. if not, let it stay there.
Reply:Try lemon juice
Reply:get a room
Reply:upholestry cleaner should work. if im not mistaken theres upholestry cleaner for suede at the hardware store
Reply:Yes, wipe it, then get a suade cleaner from a shoe store. They have those that come with brush/bristles on the cap. They will 'fluff' up the suede nicely. Use a condom next time.
Reply:sounds like you had a good time!!
Reply:Brush off suede stains

To eliminate a spot on a suede seat gently brush it with a soft toothbrush dipped in white vinegar. Let the spot air-dry, then brush with a suede brush. Repeat if necessary. You can also generally tone up suede items by lightly wiping them with a sponge dipped in vinegar.

Good Luck !
Reply:You want to get a UV light and scrape it off with a Knife. Preferably as fast as possible.


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