Sunday, March 14, 2010

I like jumping in the pool with m y clothes on. Can this ruin my clothing?

I live in Florida, it's hot! So quite often I go inthe pool in all my clothes. Even some of my good dress clothes. I u sually kcik off m y shoes though. I wash them the same day so the chlorine doesn't just stay on them for too long. Does this ruin most outfits? I guess it depends on what materials are used, but as a general rule for every day clothing, is this safe?

I like jumping in the pool with m y clothes on. Can this ruin my clothing?
there is nothing wrong with jumpin in, just i dont recommend doing it in your good clothes, eventually it can cause the colors to fade, but washing your clothes in the same day is a good thing, water sitting over night can cause that moldy smell in your clothes and that takes forever to get out of them, about 3-4 washes.

so i just recommend to do it in your everyday chillin clothes.

Reply:It is perfectly fine as long as you rinse the chlorine out as soon as possible. I have done it many time my self and have never had any serious problems. Report It

Reply:Hey, I also sometimes do the same but not in dresses..I'd say it would be safe as long as you keep watch on what material is in the clothing and be sure to wash the clothes you wear in the pool everyday so they don't get ruined..
Reply:You are wild, but stop doing this because yes, your outfits will be destroyed.
Reply:chlorine bad for clothes. stop it. go naked!
Reply:the chlorine in the pool will ruin your cloths
Reply:well as long as u wash them right away then yeah, but also depending on the material of the outfit if it can handle a normal wash if not take em to the dry cleaners
Reply:Well, they are going to dry reallyy dry and wrinkled and very stiff, you probably want to go get a bathing suit on or go buy one if you dont have one because its probably not a great idea to get nice clothes wrinkly and stiff.
Reply:Depends on the material. I highly suggest you refrain from jumping in with expensive clothes on.
Reply:I wouldn't recommend it, why not swim in your skivies.
Reply:as long as you wash them u should be fine
Reply:It is safe and you were right it actualy depends on the type of material the clothing is.
Reply:Well its kind of like bleaching clothes. It might not hurt them right away but the chemicals slowly weaken threads. As long as you're not jumping in the pool in the same clothes everytime, it should be fine.
Reply:Yes this can ruin your clothes, pools have chlorine (the main ingredient in bleach), which can damage clothes, once I was thrown into a pool with my clothes on, I had a black t-shirt and jeans, the shirt became brwon and the went really light colores.
Reply:of course it will ruin ur clothes it will literly make ur clothes fade!

Reply:of course it will ruin ur clothes
Reply:of course it can ruin ur clothing....

the chlorine can make the color fade off even if u still wash ur clothes....and the fabric wouldn't stay the same either i don't think....


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