Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Am I stanford material?

ok so...

*I have an accumulative GPA of 3.98( but by the end of the year it should be about 4.3/2)

*I have/ are taking AP Literature,AP Writing,AP Calculus,AP Pre Calculus,Spanish 1-3,Advanced Biology,Physics,Honors English 9%26amp;11,and Honors Government %26amp; Econ


SHOE club (students helping our environment)

NHS (National Honor Society)

SADD club (students against destructive decisions)

All Star competitive cheerleader (outside of school)

Cross Country Runner

Track %26amp; Field (winter and spring)

Link Crew member

Extra Mile Club (club for students w/ a lot of volunteer hours)

Volunteer at a retirement home - 200+ hours

So what do you think my chances are . . .

Am I stanford material?
If you have to ask, then probably not.

Regardless of all your achievements, the number one most important thing in life is confidence.

Most of the crap you mentioned is butt-kissing and overachieving. What have you really done? What is the nature of your character? What is in your soul?

In the end, you can be as perfect as perfect can be... but you might not get in that year because they happened to be looking for something else. Generally, the stuff you listed is what will get your file looked at.... but character is what gets you IN.
Reply:About 1 in seven:

Best bets for admission are in top ten percent of class, high GPA, and recomendation letters from people the dean of admission would like, whomever that might be...
Reply:I think you have a decent chance. With those top, top tier schools, though, you NEVER know--they reject incredible students sometimes, and accept ones who aren't as good as them. It can be rather arbitrary. So...have a couple back ups, but definitely apply.

office chair

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