Friday, November 6, 2009

Killer CROCS - does the way the have be banned in hospitals make sense?

I am not saying they should not be banned HOWEVER--Staff have been told to go and by ANY make of shoe THEREFORE all/ any could be worse than the croc! A panic responce could result in more accidents!.


There are a number of factors that contribute to the build-up of static electricity including temperature, humidity, flooring applications, types of material and the nature of the contact. It is unlikely that any one factor is the sole cause of any static electricity problems. We know of no reason that Crocs would be any more susceptible to static electricity than shoes such as sneakers and other types of footwear worn by medical professionals. Medical employees are one of many valued constituencies at Crocs and we will continue to ensure that we are fully addressing the needs of our customers and the environments in which they wear our products.”

By FRANCES KUO of crocs

Killer CROCS - does the way the have be banned in hospitals make sense?
Strange. They have been worn by healthcare professionals for years.
Reply:Why would anyonewant to wear them in a hospital anyway ?(except in theatres and maybe outpatients) A hospital ward is subject to spills and splatters of urine, faeces, vomit and blood, crocs are of little use (with their little holes) are of no use to a nurse, uness she has a fetish for urine soaked feet!
Reply:They are ugly and should be banned from all public places on grounds of taste.
Reply:I work on acute mental health ward and we are not allowed to wear open toed shoes, it's a safety measure for us.
Reply:they just don't want them wearing holy shoes, it's unsanitary. But they are no different than other rubber shoes. Crocs offend alot of people, who don't need to buy them. I love mine, but i don't work in a hospital either.
Reply:People who wear crocs look like dumbarses.
Reply:Aphrodite - they have been making 'professional' ones for ages with totally enclosed fronts.

I don't get your question really. They are shoes - big deal!

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